NAMING A ROYAL BABY : article from DIGITAL JOURNAL OP ED by Martin Kujawa link to full article.
I enjoyed reading Kujawa's article and speculated that the Royal Couple will probably follow tradition, and maybe have a whole lot of people butting in about what to name their baby, which, reading other articles, was announced to be due in July and most likely not a twin! Meanwhile in Great Britain there is word that there will be some changes. First that the child will be titled Princess or Prince right away, second that if it be a female, she will still be first in line to the thone, and third that the Royal personage destined to be King or Queen may marry a Catholic, and finally, that Prince Charles is wondering about what this all means because the King or Queen of England is also head of the church.
OK, so I am not expecting this Royal Baby to be named Tiffany or Roger!