YAHOO : GOLD BEDECKED SKELETON MAY BE ANCIENT QUEEN link here (includes a picture of a reconstruction of what she may have looked like at the burial.) The woman was found in England between Windsor Castle and another town.
"The woman's bones have been degraded by acid in the soil, making radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis impossible. Nonetheless, excavators believe she was at least 35 years old when she died sometime between 2500 B.C. and 2200 B.C., around the era Stonehenge was constructed.
The woman was adorned with a necklace that had tube-shaped beads fashioned out of sheet gold and black disks of lignite, a dark, coal-like material similar to jet. Though her clothing long ago disintegrated, amber buttons and fasteners were scattered across the woman's body in a row, hinting at how she may have been dressed..."