11 July 2020


After starting the rerun of Louis Henry Gates, I decided to check on YouTube for fairly recent talks that CAROL BOWMAN, perhaps the most respected researcher in Children and their Past Lives in America, might have given. 

As of December 2024 there are several videos featuring Carol.

Now I have to convince a friend of mine to consider past life experience as the reason for her grand-daughters overly dramatic fear of the loving family dogs. Her two year old sister shows no such fear but this one seems unable to get over being afraid of them.

LINK TO https://www.carolbowman.com/reincarnation-forum  December 2024

An appearance on Oprah got her a book contract.

Innocent children have no reason to recreate their last life traumas through spontaneous memory, through the art they make, and the way they indulge in play.

I admire Carol for all she's done to open our minds to this natural phenomena.

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