12 June 2021


I used YouTube to listen to a reading and talk author Errol Lincoln Uys gave after publishing this book and selections from the PBS documentary and was so impressed, especially because I've never realized that about 350,000 youth under the age of 18 were riding the rails in the 1930's Great Depression here in the United States.

The youth tended to be displaced or runaways, girls too, some orphans, about 10 percent out for an adventure. Hunger was a fact of life.

Do you know the difference between a tramp, a hobo, and a bum?

A bum lives a transient life style not wanting to work. A hobo wants to work, be it an odd job for a meal or following crops. A tramp is a traveler who may not be rich but has means.

I was impressed at the way the author proceeded. A small add brought in thousands of letters, communication with about 500 began, and then 20 ex riders of the rails in youth were filmed giving testimonials. Their stories are supported with historical film footage.

The film also TR reveals there were African-American travelers but the life was worse for them. It also brings up child labor st a time when there were no government benefits. 

I recommend this film to those if you who have Great Depression ancestors, would like to learn more about the economic history of the United States, and all of you who are interested in or experiencing homelessness. 

Back in the day youth experienced danger catching trains and staying in encampments, including going missing and sexual harassment and prostitution. 

Think about it.

C 2021 Ancestry Worship Genealogy BlogSpot

09 June 2021


DAILY MAIL LONDON  I hate the pop up ads on Daily Mail UK but this article about Elizabethan Era London.  A handmade 16th century map includes walls made by the Romans and there are lots of Interactives.

Not much chance you'll find your ancestor's house but genealogists are always interested in maps. They can tell us much about the environment a person lived in.  London had about 200.000 residents at the time this was made.  Also shown are the present day versions of the same areas. 

05 June 2021


Craig is the interviewer, a good and patient listener who talks with 17 parents who have lost their children. These parents come from a variety of religious and spiritual points of view and their children died in a variety of ways and ages, from a horrific car accident that was a parent's fault to an addict's heroin overdose. Perhaps the most profound loss a loving parent can have, it's natural and part of the process of acceptance to want to communicate with the child who has left the body and life on earth. 

A few known psychic mediums make appearances giving their notions of the spirit world. Book authors make appearances too. It's the testimonials of the parents that is most important.
Perhaps these children knew or their parents knew they wouldn't be long on this earth. The young ones may have been enlightened beings. Some were kid peacekeepers, the type who stood protectively against bullies. They were Old Souls. Sensitive. Empathic. 

Some of the reported communication includes parents seeing balls of light, ghosts, having dream visitations, or feeling a hug from far away.

Despite most of these parents having anger over the loss of a child, according to James Van Praagh, one of the most known mediums today, in the spirit world they know what's going to happen and when and absolutely every one of us, upon death, is met by someone to help with our transition.

I know some people are afraid of mystical things and may be of different religious beliefs. However, this film is one of several to consider by Inspirter Films. I realize some of them will seem "way out" to some people while being of possible comfort to others.

 C 2021 Ancestry Worship Genealogy BlogSpot Film Review

03 June 2021


Transgenderism is at issue in Great Britain when it comes to census taking. In the last several months the issue of asking a person if their gender is currently what it was at their birth is quite controversial.  After reading through the development of the questions I chose this article for you to read:


There have been court actions which have furthered the discussion and I am not sure that the discussion has ended.  The very sensitive issue does come down to choice.  A person may consider themselves to be transgender but wanting to officially out themselves on a government document is something to think about.

Census' exist for statistic making, generally thought to understand populations when it comes to representation in government as well as funding for various purposes.

Frankly, having witnessed how many people want to dodge census takers in the United States and in recent times, I'd say trust that information is confidential is not so good.

01 June 2021