30 April 2009

About Henry "Hank" Z. Jones

If YOU'LL CLICK ON THE TITLE ABOVE... you'll get to the official Hank Z Jones website. There are only 50 Fellows of the American Society of Genealogists elected and Hank is one of them. I got interested in Hank because of his books, which I'll be quoting some excerpts from in this blog.
One of the reasons I appreciate his books is that they include the testimonials of both professional and hobbyist genealogy researchers who believe in dreams, intuition, ancestor spirit research guides, and receiving information on roots quests that comes from extraordinary means, proving that not all genealogists are afraid of this! There are many stereotypes of whose into genealogy that are not true. One of them is that genealogists are mostly members of the Latter Day Saints (formerly known as The Mormons), because they do seem to have a vast amount of archived data.

In the diversity of this United States of America (and the world!) genealogist are practitioners of many different faiths or spiritual viewpoints.