14 February 2019


This past winter came the controversy of the Christmas Song titled "Baby It's Cold Outside."  I listened to different versions.  Some better than others.  Some more flirtatious than others.  I learned the original song debuted in the 1930's and the singers - one male - one female - sang it so that at first it sounded like the male was flirting - seductive - with the female and then that reversed.  In any case, I thought it was ridiculous to pick on this particular fun song, when we've had the sexist, woman objectifying and disrespecting rap phenomena for so long.

But as I went through Google Images looking for a vintage and public domain Valentine to post on ANCESTRY WORSHIP - GENEALOGY BLOGSPOT, I was sensitive to the fact that so very many of them sounded stalkerish.

Keep those Valentines for your family history project. They are quite telling about attitudes and values in boys' and girls' and mens' and womens' relationships in their time and place.