11 May 2019


EXCERPT from Jodi Thomas' fiction book 'Mornings on Main' which takes place in a small farming adjacent town in Texas.

Page 323 of paperback

'Jillian couldn't stop studying the history of the town written in stitches.  Embroidered in flower bouquets and black shadows draped over headstones ... Pink roses of births and lacy ivy for deaths...'


I don't normally read books of the romance genre but this book came into my life on a rainy day and I decided to give it a try.  Characters that at first seemed implausible - especially as a cast - grew on me and slowly so that I found the ending satisfying. Character Gram is an elderly woman with Alzheimer's who also owns a quilting shop. Character Jillian is a woman born to a drifter who did his duty by her and then left her to drift on her own. Of course a woman with no roots, no friends, and no family needs a town where it seems every family has a long history and a man who cannot by heritage or integrity leave it.

Of genealogy interest is that the Jillian character is in search of her father and story of her birth. Gram is able to tell her, amidst memory lapses, that her mother was a married woman who left town but once lived on a farm nearby. Now as a genealogist, as I was reading this book I wanted to tell the characters how to find out more.  Jillian's love interest finds a newspaper article about her father who was in town for the rodeo and he's able to verify a brief employment with a local company that had employee records. 

The stories that serve as the basis for quilts left behind in the store helps create the small town in Texas atmosphere.
Which reminds me that YOU might just have a story quilt in your attic. 

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