21 April 2021


Film Maker Julia Creet is curious and a tad skeptical. She is asking questions you ought to.

Are you part of a "captive biomedical community" because you were so eager for your DNA data results that you didn't read the fine print? 

What happens when you submit spit samples to a huge company and the data gets sold and resold? Maybe you can find out if you're Jewish but it won't give you grandma's name. **

Iceland is the big example. Quite genetically related, it's easy to meet and marry a cousin there and young couples don't want to. Presumed Consent of the Icelandic population meant that the data got sold and sold and as of the film production date was in the hands of a company called Amgen. The Icelandic database contains just about every person in Iceland.

Besides if you get real far back your chart will become subject to Pedigree Collapse (a small starter population means you are related to everyone in some way.) And if you're transgender how much do you care about being descended from Vikings?

Refresher: you get your genetics from 1/2 your parents. 1/4 your grandparents. 1/8 your great grandparents. ... Really going so far back can mean nothing at all about your personal genetic composition.

One in four people in the United States are registered with free FamilySearch, owned by the premier force in genealogy in modern times, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's - LDS. Members trust them. Should you?

What about when members baptised Jewish Holocaust victim Anne Frank or Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl, who was beheaded by terrorists, after their deaths? Jews were not happy about that.

Do you agree to promote LDS when you use FamilySearch? What if you are not Christian? What if you are Pagan? If you upload documents that reveal your religion will it haunt you someday when Thought Police show up at your door? Missionary?

Ancestry, the genealogy database company (not related to this blog) is also extremely popular but costs. Some of the data - collected with the free labor of volunteers - is shared between these two giants and sold.

We really must ask more questions.

**it is possible that by locating others who share your genetics and collaborating you may share the documents that were missing and caused you to hit into a brick wall.

Note: Not everyone wants to spend eternity with the family they knew on earth and certainly not the husband or wife they had on earth. These eternally intact relationships are promised by LDS to those members who perform rituals called Ordinances within Temples. Locating ancestors for this purpose is the given reason for the LDS fixation on genealogy. I personally am into reincarnation and don't think we are in the same Soul Group for eternity. I have performed genealogy with and for LDS members, respect they have a right to their beliefs, and avoid discussion of religion. When needing to go into databases for members only, I have received the assistance of Family History Library volunteers.

C 2021