18 December 2021


 A Jewish friend of mine long ago told me that her family always went out for Chinese food on Christmas. She said this was because the Chinese restaurants were the only ones open on Christmas.  Her family did not send or expect Holiday cards.

HOW DID YOUR FAMILY CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS EVE? CHRISTMAS?  NEW YEARS EVE?  NEW YEARS DAY? or HUNUKKAH (CHANUKAH) the Jewish Festival of Light?  Or perhaps you've established a KWANZAA celebration?

How did your great grandparents celebrate it?

Your grandparents?

Your parents?

Your family then?

Your family now?  

Some things to think about:

Was there a change in religion or philosophy that changed the way the holiday was celebrated or ignored?

How did having children who are now all grown up change the use of these holidays? For instance maybe your family used to stay home but now they go skiing.

Maybe your family uses these holidays for family reunions?

You used to send cards through the mail and now?

(Don't throw those cards with personal messages out!)

Did they decorate Christmas trees?  Perhaps switch one year to an artificial tree? Plant live ones?

Did they hang stockings - real socks - big or small? - or put out shoes?

What, if anything, did they tell you about Santa Claus?

At what age did you believe or not believe?

Is your family one to spend on gifts or do you just give token gifts?  Do children get individual gifts or does each person provide one gift for one person?

Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

What foods do you like to prepare for yourselves or guests?  Or do you go out to eat or order in a restaurant meal?

Do you include alcohol in your celebrations?

Did your school have crafts that were for sale for gift giving?

Where did people live? What was the climate during the holidays?  (Perhaps they lived south of the equator and the holidays were during the summer?)

This is the time to look through your archived cards, letters, and photos.

Happy Ones!

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