11 June 2022


SOUTHERN LIFE, SLAVERY, and the CIVIL WAR is the title of the ProQuest History Vault that I used.  I can't link to it for you, but you may find this database available at your local library. ProQuest has many databases including newspapers that can be used.

I decided to see what this database offers and thought it was pretty exciting. Records of Antebellum Southern Plantations brought up a few titles and descriptions for a PDF download.  You're thinking the South, right? Well, not necessarily. I started with the name of a city in the North.

FOLDER 008967-01209-0913 Brought up Sally Barker an infant born free in Kent Delaware in 1807 who had petitioned with the help of an adult obviously, to remain free.

FOLDER 016455-003-0458 brought up Free Black Henry Banes who seeks to emancipate his wife, Judith, who he mentions is also a midwife whose services to the community will be valuable.

FOLDER 001542-003-0612 brings up William who is actually asking to become the slave of a certain physician who he says he does not wish to removed from in Mississippi.  He says they have a good relationship. It's 1859.

You can bring up folders by putting the numbers above (but not the word FOLDER) in the search bar.  I would suggest a general search beginning with a place.  Try a state first.

There are diaries and estate records and so on in this history vault.  I like that these stand as testimonials.

C 2022 Ancestry Worship Genealogy