06 May 2023


The Colonial states declare their independence from England decades ago, 
yet, as we go back those decades doing our American genealogy, 
we often encounter roots in Britain - England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland and 
"cross the ocean" to archives there.

As distanced as we Americans are,
many of our ancestors lived under a King or Queen, an Emperor, 
or lived in a princely kingdom,
or were of the nobility, or lived on the land of one as a tenant farmer, or a serf.

We grew up with fairy tales, stories of Princesses and Princes of days gone by.

So, we cannot be ignorant of that history or the old ways in which our people 
survived or thrived.

King Charles III's Coronation might be the only one some of us will ever witness - via televised film - in our own lifetimes.

The splendor!

I'm curious - and am be watching.