07 October 2023


Is Christopher Columbus Who We Think He is? / Secrets and Lies of Columbus / Timeline

October 9th is the traditional Columbus Day holiday... And this documentary about the search for the man credited with "discovering America" after sailing across the Atlantic in 1492, is fascinating. Several highly intelligent people -including his descendants and that of Vasco De Gama, are devoting their research and expertise to discovering the historical truth about the man, who died not revealing his origins. Chances are he was born in Cuba Portugal to a woman who was a mistress to a member of the Royal Family, and it's possible she was Jewish. What of the stories you may have heard that Columbus was actually the surname Colon?  In this documentary we learn that even the name Christopher Columbus was one the mystery man took rather than be identified as a royal bastard. As for his humble origins, boys and men from humble origins generally did not get to sail such ships.

You'll love the archival documents and the visits to royal tombs.