10 April 2024


Step Fourteen :  Cemetery Records

As started, Find A Grave TM did not have postings for the immigrant nuclear family from Germany-Prussia who lived in Pennsylvania or died there. But something very important to remember is that such tombstone websites DO NOT HAVE ALL THE BURIALS IN A CEMETERY. No they do not. Back in the day the emphasis was not on expensive carved tombstones as there is today. In some cemeteries hundreds of burials never had tombstones or those tombstones were destroyed or removed.  

Additionally in modern times the death certificate and the burial paperwork lean on each other. Team that up with an obituary from the newspaper or website and it's all good. 

I researched German cemeteries in the city and and its vicinity and on the Internet up came a historical one.  Some good souls had listed all the burials in that cemetery.  And under yet another variation of the surname I found both the first female immigrant ancestor of my client and a man who is likely her husband, who lived into his 80's.

I've called that cemetery long distance three times and they NEVER get back to me.  Don't you just hate messages that claim they will call right back?  And there's no information on when someone is in the office - if ever.

I'll let you know.  I'm praying that there is something on the burial about where these people came from.  But the INDEX to the burial does not say!

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