23 October 2009


America's Overseas Military Cemeteries
Robert Urth Director
Glenn Marcus and Robert Urth Writers

You may have seen the genealogy databases, microfilms, or books, titled something like "Veterans Interred Overseas."

This is the video to watch if you want to know more about how 125,000 American military men and women - including the famous General George Patton, band leaders, and nurses, ended up in cemeteries in Europe and the Philippines. Now the cemeteries are beautiful, and places where the living can show their respects. And indeed many Americans are still making a stop at an American cemetery in France, for instance, part of their vacation.

This video will bring a few tears to your eyes if you have an ounce of Patriotism. It will remind you, sadly, that wars have been fought in the past by Americans who were barely here; immigrants new to the country who had not yet their citizenship -and Japanese-Americans whose families were in concentration camps in California.

But like all good cemeteries, these are for the living to make peace.