BE AWARE THAT IN THE 19th century and before, an ORPHAN was defined as a child without a father (to support the family) and if you hear that a child was orphaned in your family, their mother or a step-mother may still have been living, and also under pressure to remarry quickly and pragmatically. Disease didn't respect class. Women died in childbirth or because of child-bearing, especially while malnourished by today's standards.
Coming up ... Some interesting articles I found on the internet about ORPHANS.
While you're reading, please consider how many children are living today homeless, malnourished, and impoverished. Can we hope that their families will prevail as some of us who come from orphan heritage have?
Have your child-bearing ancestors died too young to raise their own children to adulthood?
Think about this question too when you think about who you will help ELECT by VOTING in the elections here in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA