05 November 2022


This is the rare story of reincarnation in the American and Christian context.  Author Cathy Byrd is the mother of a son who very young was obsessed with baseball.  He wanted to wear uniforms every day and play baseball constantly. The photo on the cover is her son, who became the first child to pitch the first ball for a game at Dodger's Stadium in Los Angeles, and became a honorary Dodger.

She, like many parents whose children start talking strangely about having been an adult, dismissed her son's obsessions and communications.  Bit by bit the story unfolds and part of that story is how she as a Christian was admonished by friends and finally sought out a Christian minister that she could trust to talk about it with.

For those of us who think there is something to reincarnation and do not think there should be a conflict with Christianity, my opinion is that is too sad. 

The only way to 'prove' something that is part of a belief that millions of not-Christian people have on this is to listen, take notes, do research, and see how much an innocent child reports is correct. Byrd does a convincing job of this.

Her son remembers a life as baseball great Lou Gehrig (1903 -1941) who died young of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neuromuscular disease that became familiar to Americans as 'Lou Gehrig's Disease." 

(According to Carol Bowman (not part of this book) most of the children who report past lives in the West seem to have died deaths that were not peaceful. In Gehrig's case, his death was untimely because he was relatively young and had much more to do. 

Just to make things more interesting, there is a possibly that Cathy Byrd is also the incarnation of Lou's mother. She learns by researching out to people who knew Lou and his mother that no one told Lou the truth that he was going to die.

Thumbs up on this one!

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