02 May 2009


How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child
by Carol Bowman
C 1997 by Carol and Steve Bowman
A Bantam Book

Carol Bowman says that children can remember past lives spontaneously, through hypnotherapy-past life regression, or through dreams. On pages 250-251 of her book she tells the story of Jenny Cockrell who had childhood dreams and past life memories while a child in England in the 1950's. She saw herself as a grown woman, named Mary, who lay dying, sobbing with grief and tormented by guilt because she was leaving behind eight children.

"By the time she was an adult, Jenny had enough information from her dream and from her waking visions to trace her former identity to Mary Sutton, a woman who had lived in a small town north of Dublin, and who had died of fever, leaving behind eight small children. Jenny's long quest to discover her past life identity culminated in an emotional reunion with Mary Sutton's grown children in Ireland. Almost every detail that Jenny remembered was confirmed, including some things Jenny knew about Mary that no one outside the family could have known. Most importantly, after this contact with her children from a former life, Jenny was healed of the guilt and sadness that had tormented her since she was a small child...

"Across Time and Death" is the book...