25 July 2010


Saving a Jewish person when the Nazi's wanted to deport them to a concentration camp, or otherwise exterminate them, could mean death for you and your family. Yet some people took that chance. In a world where there is so much evidence of man's inhumanity to man let's be reminded that sometimes common people rise up to a moment of sainthood.

THIS DATABASE STARTS WITH THE TRUTH OF THE CONDITIONS OF WAR... and the NAZI's determination to take over POLAND... IT LISTS approximately 5,400 Poles who are known to have taken the chance of being killed in order to help someone else, a list of those who paid with their own life, as well as a MASS EXECUTIONS by village and information on Religious and Monastic Orders Who Rescued Jews.

Take a look even if you don't have a surname to run on this one!

THANK YOU ANNA PORAY for posting this!

update September 5th https://www.savingjews.org/