How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child
by Carol Bowman
C 1997 by Carol and Steve Bowman
A Bantam Book
page 184
"Another form of knowledge beyond experience is the ability of small children to speak in an unknown language that they could not possibly have learned through ordinary means. This phenomenon is called xenoglossy. Since language requires months and years of repetition and practice to learn, science is at a loss to explain how anyone, especially a young child, could speak a language that he has never been exposed to. In the context of past lives, however, xenoglossy is simply another example of something learned in the past that carries over to the present life.
Quoting a case in "Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery," Bowman says that a prominent New York physician and his wife found their twin baby boys conversing between themselves in an unknown vernacular. The children were eventually taken to the foreign language department of Columbia University where none of the professors could identify their speech...until a professor of ancient languages happened to pass by and was amazed to discover that they were speaking ARAMAIC, a language current at the time of Jesus Christ....
"The boys weren't just mimicking a few words: they were conversing with enough proper Aramaic syntax and vocabulary for the expert to be able to recognize the language.
In one case as two year old boy remembering the life of a 19th century sailor, used terms like "spanker" sail. and when he knocked over a jelly jar, asked his mother if he would have to do "haze," the correct term for punishment in vintage sailor slang..."
"Another form of knowledge beyond experience is the ability of small children to speak in an unknown language that they could not possibly have learned through ordinary means. This phenomenon is called xenoglossy. Since language requires months and years of repetition and practice to learn, science is at a loss to explain how anyone, especially a young child, could speak a language that he has never been exposed to. In the context of past lives, however, xenoglossy is simply another example of something learned in the past that carries over to the present life.
Quoting a case in "Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery," Bowman says that a prominent New York physician and his wife found their twin baby boys conversing between themselves in an unknown vernacular. The children were eventually taken to the foreign language department of Columbia University where none of the professors could identify their speech...until a professor of ancient languages happened to pass by and was amazed to discover that they were speaking ARAMAIC, a language current at the time of Jesus Christ....
"The boys weren't just mimicking a few words: they were conversing with enough proper Aramaic syntax and vocabulary for the expert to be able to recognize the language.
In one case as two year old boy remembering the life of a 19th century sailor, used terms like "spanker" sail. and when he knocked over a jelly jar, asked his mother if he would have to do "haze," the correct term for punishment in vintage sailor slang..."
C 2009 Ancestry Worship - Genealogy BlogSpot