Life Between Life Scientific Explorations Into the Void Separating One Incarnation From the Next! C authors Joel L. Whitton and Joe Fisher A Dolphin Book (Doubleday)
page 65-66 "Ghandi, the great Indian philosopher and apostle of non-violence, attributed certain benevolence to the cosmic process (of forgetting past lives) when he replied "It is natures' kindness that we do not remember past births. Life would be a burden if we carried such a tremendous load of memories." Yet is is possible to break through this amnesia either with the aid of hypnosis or by activating "far memory" through practiced and purposeful meditative techniques. One of the most popular arguments against reincarnation maintains that all past-life memory is really genetic in origin, that the hereditary line accounts not only for physical resemblance and a persons strengths, weakness and predispositions but also for a recall beyond birth which is, supposedly, coded into the DNA molecules. The evidence of hypnotic regression promptly dismisses this contention. In trance, whites have described experiences as negro slaves and many subjects have talked about being incarnated during their parent's lifetimes."